Using the power of gTTS and serenity-rs you can empower your friends without microphones to talk to you while you are in voice!
Very simple setup with only one command needed and NO NEED FOR A PREFIX EVERY MESSAGE, JUST TYPE NORMALLY!
is more accurate, but some commands include:
-setup #text channel
: Sets the channel TTS Bot will do it's magic in!
: Joins the current voice channel you are in (only responds in the channel that was setup)
: Leaves the voice channel that TTS Bot is in (only responds in the channel that was setup)
: Clears the message queue!
: Display the current settings
-settings help
: Displays list of available settings
-set property value
: Sets a setting
: Shows server count, voice channel count, and other stats!
Also accepts DMs for support, make sure to read the Welcome Message!