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PingPongBot#8651 Avatar


A multi Purpose bot Including Latest Feature Like ping , beep , kick/ban, custom prefix, I hope you Like My Bot

 Prefix > or customizable

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by devmirza#0, frex5#0

 In 668 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge


This is used to entertain your Server with alot of cool commands, like: Ping etc. The Bot Made with discord.js module in super light editor vsc(visual studio code), add the bot to your guild and send feedback on the bot Support Server to Help made the bot more usefull.



  1. mc [Server Ip] [Server Port]: Bot will fetch information for your fav Minecraft server. Ex: >mc druglegends.net 25565
  2. pokemon : Bot will fetch information about the character.
  3. fortnite : Bot will fetch information from the tracker network API.


  4. server-info : Bot replies with Current Server(server-name or Members).
  5. user-info : Bot replies with Your Name and ID.
  6. botinfo: Sends you the Information about Bot.
  7. what is your prefix? : Bot replies with the answer with his prefix.
  8. stats : This will send you the Bot Status with (Server-Count or Member-Count).
  9. uptime : Shows the Bot's current Uptime.


  10. help : Bot DM you with the command's. NEW
  11. Git: Shows up the GitHub Repository!
  12. invite: Gives you the Bot invite link.
  13. wiki: Sends the bot Wiki Page.
  14. support : Gives you the Bot Support Server Link.


  15. meme: sends memes yayaya.
  16. ping: Bot replies with Pong!.
  17. beep : Bot replies with Boop!.
  18. rip : Bot send an attachement with the RIP Images.
  19. fruits : Bot Reacts with some Fruits.
  20. react: Bot will react with emoji.
  21. vegies: Bot will react with vegetables. NEW
  22. sad-react: Bot react with sad emojies. NEW
  23. happy: Bot react with Happy Emoji. NEW
  24. avatar : Bot send's Your Current Profile Image.


  25. kick : This will Used to Kick the Member from the Server.
  26. ban: This will Permanently Bans the Member from the Server.
  27. prune : Used to delete message from the chat(from 1 to 99).

Discord Bots Bots for Discord


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