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Aneya, a lovely girl doing her best to please you. Leveling, fun, moderation, leaderboards and more!

 Prefix .

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by fnaki#0, winston_bull6009#0

 In 762 Servers

 Votes 1

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Aneya is a lovely bot made to increase activity in your server. She does leveling super well and presents it in a cute way (Aneya tracks your messages and grants you XP, also provides leaderboards for both leveling and coins!). She also has nice moderation commands available to you (You can deal with roles, users and everyone/You can ban and kick users that cause troubles and alot more). And it doesn't stop there, Aneya has some fun commands (gambling, daily, trivia and more).



<.role/.r> <+role1, -role2> Adds/Removes roles from a user, role or everyone.

<.ban/.b> @user reason Bans any user that's not above you the bot is capable of banning.

<.kick/.k> @user reason Kicks any user that's not above you the bot is capable of kicking.

<.mute/.m> @user Mutes any non-staff user you want.

.unmute @user Unmutes any non-staff user that was muted by you or a lower Staff member.

.cblacklist channel Blacklist a certain channel from fun commands.

.notifications Enable/Disable the level up and unlocking achievements messages.

.prefix your-prefix Change Aneya's prefix in your server.


<.trivia/.t> Play awesome trivia and win coins!

<.flip/.f> amount Gamble your coins away!

<.daily/.d> Get your daily amount of coins.

.gift @user amount Gift someone your coins.

.kiss @user Kiss someone you desperate being.

.gayp @user You read that, you are gay.

.marry Marry someone you lonely human.


<.profile/.p> <@user> Displays your profile (user's profile if you mention one).

<.leaderboard/.lb> View the server's leaderboard. It will display both leaderboards if you don't specify

<.roleinfo/.ri> role View role informations and also the role's members.

<.coins/.$> View your coins (or a user's if you mention one).

<.avatar/.av> View your avatar (or a user's if you mention one).

.ping Ping me dad.

<.serverinfo/.si> View the server's info

.invite Invite me.


<1/2> Means it's either 1 or 2.

<1> Means that 1 is optional.

Aneya is still growing! If you have any suggestions, let us know!