Tip: Why did RDL pop up? Just to beat Top.gg out!
CordX#6584 Avatar


Discords newest most efficient Mod Bot

 Prefix tox.

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by therealtoxicdev#0, tsxicdchv7707#0

 In 65 Servers

 Votes 9

 Support ServerJoin

Tox Mod

Discords newest most efficient moderation bot!, now featuring a dashboard, logging ,custom welcome messages, custom leave messages, auto roles, anti raid and more!

Useful Info

  • Tox Mod is configurable via the Dashboard.
  • Not Associated or Affiliated with Discord.


  • Ban
  • Kick
  • Mute
  • UnMute
  • Lockdown
  • Unlockdown And many more!

Full Commands List