A multipurpose bot, supports Moderation, Music, Giveaways, Image Manupulation, and some basic utilities. Nia is built with the best moderation commands which include voice based moderation commands. For music Nia uses a custom library to stream music at highest quality and provide better user experience. Image Manupulation tasks are carried out using Amethyste API, which processes images at a lightning fast rate. Nia is in active development, any bugs reported are fixed within 2Hrs of reporting. Which means you can totally rely on us!
Example: &ban [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
This command bans the [user mentioned] with [reason for audit logs]
Example: &kick [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
This command kicks the [user mentioned] with [reason for audit logs]
Example: &nick [user mention] [new nickname]
This command sets the [user mention]'s nickname as [new nickname]
Example: &profanity
This command enables the profanity filter in the server
Example: &purge [integer between 1-100]
This command deletes [integer between 1-100] messages in current channel
Example: &vcdeaf [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice deafens the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
Example: &vckick [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voicekicks the [user mention] for [reason for audit logs]
Example: &vcmute [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice mutes the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
Example: &vcundeaf [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice un-deafens the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
Example: &vcunmute [user mention] [reason for audit logs]
Voice un-mutes the [user mention] server-wide for [reason for audit logs]
Example: &warn [user mention] [reason]
Bot warns the [user mention] in DMs for [reason]
Example: &clearqueue
This command clears the Music queue for the server (If it exists)
Example: &disable-repeat
This command stops looping the current song being played (If it exists)
Example: &enable-repeat
This command starts looping the current song being played (If it exists)
Example: &np
Bot responds with the name of currenly playing song (If it exists)
Example: &pause
This command pauses the current queue (If it exists)
Example: &play [song name or url]
This command plays the [song name or url] in vc
Example: &queue
Bot responds the the current server queue (If it exists)
Example: &resume
This command resumes the current queue (If it exists)
Example: &setvolume [integer 0-10]
Sets the volume of current queue to [integer 0-10] (If it exists)
Example: &skip
Skips one song from queue (If it exists)
Example: &stop
This command stops the current queue (If it exists)
Example: &end-giveaway [message id]
This command ends the giveaway with [message id]
Example: &reroll-giveaway [message id]
This command rerolls the giveaway with [message id]
Example: &start-giveaway [channel mention] [duration] [winners] [prize]
This command creates a giveaway in [channel mention] for a duration of [duration] and for [winners] winners and [prize]
3000years, amiajoke, approved, av, avatarlink, beautiful,
brazzers, captcha, crush, dictator, fire, frame, glitch,
jail, look, passed, pixelize, rejected, rip, scary, steam,
tbc, thanos, threats, triggered, trinity, wanted, wasted
afusion, vs, www
Example: &cat
Generates a cat image
Example: &dog
Generates a dog image
Example: &clyde [some text]
Generates clyde image with [some text]
Example: &scroll [some text]
Generates scroll image with [some text]
Example: &afk [afk note]
This command sets you as AFK and when you are pinged in the chat, bot responds with your [afk note]
Example: &changelog
This command displays the recent changes made to the bot
Example: &help
Bot responds with command categories
Example: &invite
Bot responds with bot's invite link
Example: &setlanguage [params]
Possible value for [params]: french or english
sets the [params] as the bot's language for the server
Example: &ping
Bot responds with the Roundtrip and bot latency
Example: &poll [poll arguments (min: 2, max: 10)]
Creates a poll in the channel with [poll arguments (min: 2, max: 10)]
Example: &prefix [new prefix]
This command sets [new prefix] as the server's prefix
Example: &resetprefix
Resets the server prefix to default (no matter what current prefix is running &resetprefix
will reset your prefix to default)
Example: &say [some text]
Messages the current channel with [some text]
Example: &server
Bot responds with the server information
Example: &snipe [channel mention]
Bot responds with the last message deleted in [channel mention]
Example: &stats
Bot responds with system stats
Example: &support
Bot responds with support related information
Example: &uptime
Bot responds with bot's uptime
Example: &urban [some word to search]
Bot performs a search for [some word to search] on urban dictonary and returns the response
Example: &vote
Bot responds with bot's top.gg vote link
Example: &whois [user mention]
Bot responds with details of [user mention]