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Unlimited Bot#1269 Avatar

Unlimited Bot

Unlimited Bot is a utility bot that makes it easier to run lots of commands.

 Prefix un!

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by pandadouxyt#0

 In 631 Servers

 Votes 3

Slash commands have arrived ✨


Unlimited Bot is a utility bot that makes it easier to run lots of commands.

Purpose of the bot

Facilitate the execution of many moderation commands, music, and many more!


⚙️ | Management - (2)

  • /config ➔ Edit the default server configuration
  • /prefix ➔ Edit the bot prefix

👮 | Moderation - (8)

  • /ban ➔ Allows you to permanently ban a user
  • /checkwarn ➔ Allows to see the warns of a user
  • /delwarn ➔ Allows you to delete a warning
  • /kick ➔ Allows you to kick a user
  • /mute ➔ Allows to mute a user
  • /unban ➔ Allows to unban a user
  • /unmute ➔ Allows to unmute a user
  • /warn ➔ Allows to warn a user

🚀 | Miscellaneous - (21)

  • /help ➔ Allows to know all the commands of the bot
  • /8ball ➔ Ask the magic 8ball a question!
  • /author ➔ Allows you to know the creator of the best bot!
  • /badges ➔ Allows to see the badges of the users of the discord
  • /bot-info ➔ Get the bot info.
  • /clear ➔ Delete messages in a channel
  • /commands ➔ Allows you to retrieve the list of commands
  • /emotes ➔ Get the emotes of the guild
  • /feedback ➔ Send a feedback to the bot owner.
  • /invite ➔ Invite the bot to your server.
  • /membercount ➔ Get the member count of the server
  • /ping ➔ Return the bot latency
  • /roles ➔ Get the roles of the guild
  • /server-icon ➔ Get the server icon from guild
  • /server-info ➔ The most important server information
  • /support ➔ Support Server for the bot
  • /system ➔ Get system informations
  • /update ➔ Message talking about the bot update!
  • /uptime ➔ Get the bot's uptime
  • /user-info ➔ Allows you to have information about a user
  • /vote ➔ Vote for the bot on top.gg

🎉 | Fun - (7)

  • /bird ➔ Request a bird to Unlimited Bot
  • /cat ➔ Request a cat to Unlimited Bot
  • /dog ➔ Request a dog to Unlimited Bot
  • /fox ➔ Request a fox to Unlimited Bot
  • /koala ➔ Request a koala to Unlimited Bot
  • /panda ➔ Request a panda to Unlimited Bot
  • /randomcolor ➔ Get a random color

🟩 | Experience - (2)

  • /leaderboard ➔ Allows to see the xp leaderboard of the server
  • /rank ➔ Allows you to see the level of a user

📩 | Ticket - (1)

  • /ticket ➔ Allows you to send the message that creates ticket channel

🎵 | Music - (0)

  • Currently disabled