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𝖫𝗎𝗇𝖺#9660 Avatar


LunaMusik is a music bot you can enter /help then you get all commands for the bot. And you can add the b

 Prefix /

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by devspan#0, deleted_user_8f089ff9bde4#0, deleted_user_51a1f96b1001#0, glitched.x#0

 In 955 Servers

 Votes 6

 Support ServerJoin


LunaMusik is a Musik Bot

It would be nice if you add it to support the bot


discord ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

/help if you need help /play [Link/Name] listen musik /nowplaying What's playing right now /search search Musik /skip Skip the Song /volume Volume /pause Pause /loop Loop the Musik /queue Check out the playlist /resume Resume the Musik /stop The bot disconnecting

Admin Commands

/help-more /ban Ban User /kick Kick User /ping from Bot /add Add Roles /remove Remove Roles

Fun Commands

/rps Rock Paper Stone

Info Commands


Bot Infos

  • The Bot is verified

  • Webseite Comming soon


  • Whats New

  • I'm all in English now

  • Bot is Verified
