Tip: Why did RDL pop up? Just to beat Top.gg out!
Spark#4897 Avatar


Spark is an All-in-One Free Bot - Giveaways, Invites, Moderation, Music, Economy, Levelling, Tickets, YT, Twitch, Gatekeeper, Roleplay, etc

 Prefix ,

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by afk8825#0

 In 9470 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

Spark is a Free Multipurpose bot with features like Giveaways, Invites Mgt, Moderation, AutoMod, Economy, Fun, Levelling, Tickets, YouTube & Twitch notifications, Server Stats, Music, Gatekeeper, Counting, Farming, Custom Embeds, Question Of the Day, Ping On Join, Roleplay and more

Getting Started With Spark

Default prefix for Spark is , and it can be changed using ,setprefix command to suit your server needs. You can use the ,help command list all bot command. Bot language can be set using ,setlang command. Currently bot supports English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic Hindi, Danish, Indonesian, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish & Turkish.

List Of Commands

➔ General calc • remindme • afk • members • ping • support • donate • premium • invitelink • suggest • setsuggestchannel(Admin) • reactionrole(Admin) • gatekeeper(Admin) • cmdconfig(Server Owner)• customembed(Admin) • pingonjoin(Admin) • unread(Admin) • qotd(Admin)

➔ Giveaways gstart • gend • glist • greroll

➔ Giveaways Settings (Admin Only) gconfig • gaddbonusrole • gremovebonusrole • gsetblacklistroles • gsetbypassroles • gsetwinnerroles

➔ Invites invites @user • leaderboard invites • joins

➔ Invites Settings (Admin Only) ignored [add/remove] (@user) • addbonus number @user • removebonus number @user • removeinvites @user • restoreinvites @user • sync-invites • joinrole on/off [@member [@anotherrole]]

➔ Join/Leave Settings (Admin Only) configjoin • setjoin • configleave • setleave • configdm • setjoindm • testjoin • testleave • testjoindm

➔ Ecomony / Fun profile • balance • deposit • withdraw • daily • work • pay • rob • rep • leaderboard (credits/level/rep) • achievements • flip • guess-the-number • slots • bet • addcredit(Server Owner) • removecredit(Server Owner)

➔ Shop / Store shop • inventory • item-info • buy-item • sell-item • create-item • edit-item • delete-item • give-item • take-item

➔ Stock Market stock-market • stock-portfolio • buy-stock • sell-stock • create-stock(Admin Only) • delete-stock(Admin Only)

➔ Birthday set-birthday • purge-birthday • birthday-list • bconfig(Admin Only)

➔ Leveling (Admin Only) level-config • noxproles • noxpchannels • xprolerewards • give-xp • remove-xp

➔ Tickets new-ticket • close-ticket • delete-ticket • tickets • ticket-transcript • tadd-member • tremove-member Admin Only ➔ ticket-log • ticket-staff • ticket-category • ticket-panel • ticket-stats

➔ Moderation poll • purge • mute • unmute • warn • sanctions • mconfig

➔ Moderation (Admin Only) addmod • kick • ban • unban • setwarns • clearsanctions • setmodlogs • setcmdlogs • setworklogs

➔ Auto Moderation (Admin Only) automod • automute • automute-time • mute-violation-count • automod-ignore-channel • automod-ignore-role • badword-actions • all-caps-actions • links-actions • invite-actions • fast-message-spam-actions • self-bot-actions • mass-mention-actions • mass-mention-count • badword • whitelist-link

➔ Stream Notifiers (Admin Only) subs • ytsub • ytunsub • twsub • twunsub

➔ Server Stats Counters (Admin Only) counters • counters-setup • counters-reset

➔ Music play • pause • resume • stop • next • previous • now-playing • loop • volume • filters • filter • shuffle • clear-queue • radio • 24/7

➔ Counting buy-save • Admin Only Commands -> set-counting-channel • set-failrole • set-numbersonly • counting-milestone

➔ Farming farm • plant • water • harvest • uproot • buyplot • fertilizer

➔ Roleplay marry • married • divorce • hug • cuddle • kiss • cry • dance • laugh • slap • smack • wink • blush • bite • facepalm • wave • highfive • headpat • pat • tickle