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MailHook#3737 Avatar


Modern modmail for modern Discord servers.

 Prefix ? and <

 Status online

 Library discord.py

 Made by nirlep5252#0

 In 99 Servers

 Votes 6


Modern modmail for modern Discord servers.


MailHook is the best and the most modern modmail you will ever find.

  • Easy to use dashboard.
  • Full slash commands support
  • Completely free and open source
  • Very customizable
  • Simple and useful

How to setup?

  1. Invite the bot: Click Me
  2. Open the server in the dashboard or visit: https://mail-hook.site/setup/<guildid>
  3. That's it. Enjoy!

All the commands:

  • /setup - Setup modmail for your server.
  • /edit-config - Edit the current modmail configuration.
  • /show-config - Get the current config.
  • /start-ticket - Start a ticket with a user.
  • /close-ticket - Close this ticket.
  • /modmail-tickets - View all the current modmail tickets.
  • /anon-reply - Reply anonymously to a ticket.
