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GameTracker#4800 Avatar


Gametracker bot for your discord server. Server info, ranks, maps, current map.

 Prefix >

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 Library Discord.py

 Made by cercva3125#0

 In 221 Servers

 Votes 0

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>info ⚫Get information about server.

>currentmap ⚫Get information which map is now in server.

>maps ⚫See which map is included more often.

>rank ⚫Get information about server rank.

>vars ⚫Get server variables.

>top10 ⚫Top 10 Players of server.

>setname ⚫This command is to set the IP name and view the information easily. >setname[ip][ipname]

>queue ⚫See setname’s queue.

>clear ⚫Clear queue.

>playerinfo ⚫get information about player. >playerinfo ip playername

>playerscore ⚫see player score.

>playertime ⚫Minutes Played.