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Quick Tickets#7623 Avatar

Quick Tickets

A Discord bot for a free premium experience with reaction tickets!

 Prefix qt!

 Status online

 Library Discord.js

 Made by ardev#0

 In 51 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

Quick Tickets is a easy & simple to use discord ticket bot!

Check out the new web dashboard: quicktickets.xyz

Wondering what a ticket bot is? well let me explain for you! A ticket bot is a bot which can create channels including the user and servers staff, the process can be started via reactions or a command, we prefer reactions for it to be simpler and a better overall experience for our users!

Wanna know how it works? if so I will explain! Once invited, you can run the help command to get a list of commands, you can create a panel via the command qt!newpanel or the web dashboard (beta). The command method takes you through a simple guide for options! The web dashboard is the fastest way and lets you select the options for the ticket panel! Once a panel is created you can react to the sent message in the specified channel, boom! you made a panel. Users can react to create a ticket!