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Masea disabled#7308 Avatar

Masea disabled

Simple and useful music bot, it supports YouTube & Spotify and more.

 Prefix m!

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by maddox_kk#0

 In 750 Servers

 Votes 8


m!help (help page)

m!play [music name or music url] (plays music by given name or YouTube url)

m!playlist [playlist name] (open your favorie playlist from YouTube!)

m!search [something] (search music and add to queue selected music or play)

m!pause (pauses music)

m!resume (resumes music)

m!nowplaying (shows what song Masea is currently playing)

m!lyrics (shows lyrics of currently playing music)

m!forceskip (skips the current music immediately)

m!queque (shows the music queque)

m!repeat (adds again the current music to queue)

m!loop (loops the currently playing music & queue)

m!volume [number] (volume of music)

m!shuffle (shuffles the server music queque)

m!voteskip (votes to skip currently playing music)

m!skipto [number] (skips the selected music)

m!remove [number] (removes music from queue)

m!clear-queue (stops music and clears queue)

m!disconnect (leaves from voice channel)


m!settings (your server settings)

m!set-djrole @role (sets DJ role)

m!reset-djrole (resets DJ role)


m!help [command] (infos & aliases of a command)

m!ping (ping of Masea)

m!invite (invite link of Masea)

m!report-error [error] (error reporting command)

m!vote (you can vote Masea every 12 hour)