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Deleted User d6c4b242#7602 Avatar

Deleted User d6c4b242

Draid is a multi-category bot to save time from you having to find and handpick bots that have 1 purpose

 Prefix ,

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by itsmateo20#0, .waret#0

 In 44 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin


Draid is a bot of honor, he was created for the purpose of doing things other bots can't do all at once. He has multiple categories to save time from you having to find and handpick bots that can help you as much!

Top Features

Easy to use

All though that Draid dosen't have a dashboard, he is still easy to use through commands (Well not that easy like on a dashboard)

Help menu

Infomation about every command that Draid has


You can create support tickets with the command ,ticket

Auto moderation

Swearing from any language will get removed and the user will get warned (Can be disabled)

Custom prefix

The prefix of Draid can be changed using the command ,prefix set [prefix]


Using the command ,meme you will get a meme from r/memes that you can have a laugh at


  • Q: Where can you send suggestions
    A: In the support server
  • Q: Why Draid?
    A: We have named him Draid, because it fits on the usage side of Draid.