Hydro Bot
Hydro Bot one of the leading bots of future
Hydro Is a Multi-Purpose Bot
- 👍 Moderation
- 🎉Fun
- 👌 Utility
- 🎮 Games
- 📷 Images
Note: Many Of these categories our under development and soon will be out Publicly
The Bot will have even more commands Other than the ones listed here so add the bot and stay tuned...
Bot Will be recieving Updates Everyday so be ready...
Usage :
It's very simple to use our Bot. So to get start use
z!help .The Prefix is
z! . It's Not customizable as of now.
The Bot has Many commands starting from information to Moderation. It also Has some Fun commands + Awesome Image Manipulation.
There are tons of Slash commands aswell. Do check them out
Note: If You're Not able to view the slash commands it means you haven't given it Perms to add them to your server. If so Then You're Requested to Re-Invite Hydro with the Following Link.
Click Me