Welcome to Gifts Bot, the ultimate companion for all your holiday gift-giving needs! With our easy-to-use slash commands, you can quickly and easily organize giveaways and secret santa exchanges right from your Discord server.
To get started, simply use the /giveaway
commands to create a new giveaway. You can specify the prize, the number of winners, and how long the giveaway will run for.
If you want to surprise your friends with a secret santa gift exchange, use /secretsanta
commands to set everything up. Our bot will randomly assign participants a gift recipient to each participant.
So why wait? Add Gifts Bot to your Discord server today and make all your holiday gift-giving a breeze!
Here are short descriptions of each of these slash commands:
/giveaway start
- This command is used to start a new giveaway in a Discord server.
/giveaway end
- This command is used to end an ongoing giveaway in a Discord server.
/giveaway reroll
- This command is used to select a new winner for an ongoing giveaway in a Discord server.
- This command is used to test the latency (or delay) of the bot's connection to the Discord server. When the command is run, the bot will send a message with the current latency.
/secretsanta signup
- This command is used to sign up for a Secret Santa event in a Discord server.
/secretsanta list
- This command is used to view a list of users who have signed up for a Secret Santa event in a Discord server. (Requires "Manage Events" Permission)
/secretsanta leave
- This command is used to remove oneself from a Secret Santa event in a Discord server.
/secretsanta message
- This command is used to send a message to the your partner in a Secret Santa event.
/secretsanta setwishlist
- This command is used to set or update the wishlist for your profile.
/secertsanta end
- This command is used to end a Secret Santa event in a Discord server. (Requires "Manage Events" Permission)
/secretsanta profile
- This command is used to view the profile of a user participating in a Secret Santa event in a Discord server. (limited to viewing your partner's profile only)
/secertsanta start
- This command is used to start a new Secret Santa event in a Discord server. (Requires "Manage Events" Permission)