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Subo the Survey Bot#1969 Avatar

Subo the Survey Bot

Have questions for your community? Get the answers in Discord. Create forms/surveys, and reward participants with roles and currency.

 Prefix /

 Status online

 Library Discord.py

 Made by ohdeegee#0, mr.lucky3813#0, no.more.soup#0

 In 12300 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

0xSurvey is the bot you need when you have questions for your members, when you want the answers to stay private, or when you just want them to keep them engaged:

  • With 0xSurvey, no need to send your members outside to a web-based form or survey platform. All survey creation, invitations, answers and reports are happening inside Discord.
  • The /help command can remind you at any time of all the commands at your disposal
  • The setup starts with the /setup bot command to customize the bot and the survey experience. You will receive a DM with step-by-step instructions to get everything ready:
  • define a currency name and value to reward your users
  • define a which role you give your survey participants
  • define a channel for your survey area.
  • Use the /setup questions command to start creating surveys. Again, you will receive a new survey by DM to:
  • View and activate one of the demo surveys to get an idea or
  • Create and activate a new survey
  • Get your survey results (select “export results”)
  • Your members can use the /survey command to take surveys. Another way for them to participate is to react to a post you create in the survey channel you designated during setup.
  • Your users get the currency you defined in /setup bot for every question they answer. After completing a survey, they will see their total earnings.
  • The first time your members complete a survey for you, they will be asked if they want to be contacted again by DM when you have a new survey for them, and, if so, how often they want to be contacted. Also, by completing a first survey for you, they will obtain the new role you defined in /setup bot.
  • With the /points command, your members can view how much currency they have earned this week and in total.
  • With the /leaderboard command, your members can view how they compare to others in the server.
  • We take privacy seriously, so we have several commands for your members to have full control of the data they provide when taking surveys. With the /profile export command, they can see what data is stored and even bring their data somewhere else - it’s theirs! With /profile delete they can delete their profile partly or entirely and with /profile update they can modify it.

More exciting new features are coming soon.

Give us a try - invite 0xSurvey now!