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Starboard#0438 Avatar


Music bot for your server where you can play all music supports! 24/7H online. Enjoy.

 Prefix &&

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by scarletwitch0794#0

 In 14 Servers

 Votes 2

 Support ServerJoin

The bot intended for music always remains in boice until music stops, the bot can only exit voice if there is an update or restart. The bot version is convenient and the bot is always updated. if there is a problem, come to our support server and then report it. Thank you!

Music bot for your server where you can play music and play whatever you want you can invite it if you want. Have a good day!

Our commands are secure and safe.

List of our commands is: &&help - this page &&play - play song &&queue - look queue of song &&Invite - invite our bot &&support - get support server &&skip - skip music &&vote - vote for us &&pause - pause song &&resume - resume song

You can also ping our bot for prefix!

Thank you so much for help and support enjoy!