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Musico#4893 Avatar


Musico is a 24/7 music bot that supports many kinds of sources for music

 Prefix . or /

 Status online

 Library none

 Made by deleted_user_fe06777540dc#0

 In 100 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

● Musico Developer: CookieMe#0001

● There Are Many Cool Features in Musico Bots Like Buttons, Menus and Slash Command and More.

● Musico Supports Stage Channels And Slash Commands!

● To Get The Prefix Of Your Server Just Mentions The Bot.

Here is the list of commands for the bot :-

Information [11] about︲changelog︲help︲invite︲node︲ping︲profile︲stats︲uptime

Music [23]

clearqueue︲grab︲join︲leave︲loop︲nowplaying︲pause︲play︲queue︲remove︲replay︲resume︲search︲seek︲shuffle︲skip︲skipto︲stop︲volume Settings [3]

247︲autoplay︲settings Filters [1] filters

Playlist [8] pl-create︲pl-delete︲pl-info︲pl-list︲pl-load︲pl-removetrack︲pl-savecurrent︲pl-savequeue

Sources [3] soundcloud︲spotify︲youtube