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Star™#2474 Avatar


Helping servers grow exponentially with a simple solution. Make your server active and entertain your com

 Prefix s!/s./sta

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by adrequigames#0, eiandremoreira#0, welling_#0

 In 442 Servers

 Votes 5

 Support ServerJoin

🤔 What can you do?

I have several features, among them the preferred ones are:
Autorole - Autorole is here for you to give jobs to new members of your server automatically when they join the server. No more giving positions to newbies manually!

MessageLog - Keep an eye on everything on your server with the message logs, with them you will know deleted messages, edited to suddenly prove to that user that he really said this.
Music - Now you can listen to music directly from your server

✨ Stars... is to eat?

No, but I was made to help on your server, developed in the discord.js library using JavaScript & NodeJS

💁 What if I need help?

You can enter my support server here: Click Here

🥳 Convinced me, how do I add?

If you want to use star on your server, you can Click Here and join more than 600 servers in the StarDreams family