- Search for YouTube/Twitch channels, or Twitch streams.
- Be able to play music in your server, and even livestreams, without major stutter.
- Be able to have a profile, edit it, post to your timeline, look at a servers page, and much more, with our SOCI.AL API. (Currently in beta)
NOTE: All commands listed may not be fully functional. Please refer to our Medium blog for more info.
Command | Description | Category |
c?botrix [getuser/getbot] [bot/user id] | Be able to fetch data from one of the bot lists that we are on, Botrix. | General |
c?boo [@user] | Spook your friends for Halloween! | General |
c?randomanime | gets a random anime picture. (Safe for Work) | General |
c?loop | Loops the current song, or the queue. Type the command again to disable. | Music |
c?lyrics | Gets lyrics to the current song. | Music |
c?np | Find out what's playing, and how much time is left. | Music |
c?pause | Pauses the song. | Music |
c?play | Play's a song by YT link, or song name. | Music |
c?queue | Find out the servers queue. | Music |
c?remove [queue number] | Removes a song from the queue. | Music |
c?resume | Resumes the song. | Music |
c?search [query] | Search for a song by the specified query. | Music |
c?shuffle | Shuffle's the queue. Type the command to disable. | Music |
c?skip | Skips the current song. | Music |
c?skipto [queue number] | Skips to a specific song in the queue. | Music |
c?stop | Stop's the song, and disconnects. (WIP) | Music |
c?volume | Changes the song volume from 100 to anywhere from 1-100. | Music |
c?clearfeed | Deletes all posts you write. | SOCI.AL |
c?feed [@user] | Get your feed, or someone elses. | SOCI.AL |
c?follow <@user> | Follow a user. | SOCI.AL |
c?like [@user] | Like your post, or another users. | SOCI.AL |
c?pedit [key] [input] | Edit your profile. (WIP) | SOCI.AL |
c?profile [@user] | Get your profile, or another users. | SOCI.AL |
c?screate | Creates your profile. Use this before any other command. | SOCI.AL |
c?server [server id] | Find out info about your server, in a nice picture. (WIP) | SOCI.AL |
c?sfollow (UNAVAILABLE) | SOCI.AL | |
c?sunfollow (UNAVAILABLE) | SOCI.AL | |
c?ig [Instagram username] | Search for a user on Instagram by their username. | Social |
c?spotfiy [@user] | Find out what a user is listening to on Spotify. (WIP) | Social |
c?yt [channel name] | Find out info about a specified YT channel. | Social |
c?randomidea | Get a random idea for content. | Social |
c?tchannel [channel name] | Get info on a specified Twitch channel. | Social |
c?tstream [channel name] | Get info on a specified Twitch channel's stream. | Social |
c?help (WIP) | Brings up a reaction menu. Click the buttons to page though the menus. | Utility |
c?info | Invite the bot to your server, join our support server, or check out the Trello roadmap. | Utility |
c?stats | Find stats about the bot. | Utility |
c?vote | Vote for ContentHelper using the provided bot lists. | Utility |
c?whois [@user] | Find out your info, or someone elses. | Utility |
c?setup | Setup your server with ContentHelper. Use this when you add our bot. | Admin |
c?config | Configures your server. (Only setpchannel works currently. This changes were new posts go.) | Admin |