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Visionary#9697 Avatar


Visionary Bot - A powerful bot on Discord. Multipurpose bot with moderation,entertainment,economy,fun and more!

 Prefix /

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by prometheusdevs#0, fckthishi#0

 In 152 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

👋 Hi, I'm Visionary Bot and I was developed to provide Discord users and servers with security, comfort, entertainment and much more! I only work with Slash Commands so use / and then the name of a command ( List of my Slash Commands ----> https://www.visionarybot.tk/commands)

I was developed by PrometheusDevs#1036 ( CEO - Owner 🇵🇹 ) at 16/05/2022

I'm hosted at a powerful linux server dedicated, 100% Uptime(less for big updates or crashes). For example if have a big crash in Visionary Database, we'll announce on the Support Server❤️