Tip: Why did RDL pop up? Just to beat Top.gg out!
DisPurge#5597 Avatar


Discords Best Multi Purpose Moderation and Server Managment Bot.

 Prefix mod!

 Status online

 Library Discord.js

 Made by prettychilldev#0

 In 5 Servers

 Votes 6

 Support ServerJoin


Discord Best Moderation and Server Managment Bot.


  • Moderation commands (ban, kick, mute, softban, strike)
  • Import strikes, tempmutes and tempbans from Vortex
  • Auto moderation (Discord invites, linkcooldown)
  • Find articles from your Zendesk helpcenter and videos from a Youtube playlist
  • Lock (all or specific) channels
  • Log message edits and deletions
  • Autoresponses
  • Bad word filters

Getting Started

  • You can view the settings with tb!settings
  • To set up a log channel use tb!logchannel <#channel>
  • To add moderator roles use tb!modrole add <@role>
  • You can import strikes, mutes and bans from Vortex using tb!import
  • If you want to configure a Youtube playlist, you can use tb!playlist
  • You can also add a Zendesk help center, using tb!helpcenter to enable the tb!article command.