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Jelly Watcher#7311 Avatar

Jelly Watcher

This is a very unique bot with a lot of commands!

 Prefix Gg

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by jellydev8072#0

 In 20 Servers

 Votes 7

 Support ServerJoin


p {color: purple};

The one and only Jelly

Have you ever heard of this bot named Jelly? If no then I got you covered

Jelly has a lot of command categories and is still in development

What does it have to impress you?

Below are some of the command categories

  • Available without premium


  • rob, bankrob, pay, balance, fish, hunt, pm, pet, profile, prestige, blackjack, gamble, slots, daily, beg, pet hunt, pet feed and a lot more!

  • ♣️FUN and GAMES

  • akinator, 8ball, dice, snake, fight, aittt, ttt, banner, emojify, dog, cat, meme, joke and more!

  • 🎵MUSIC

  • play, skip, pause, resume, np, search, loop, volume, filter and more! [Gg mhelp]

  • 💻IMAGE *spank, trigger, ad, linux, hitler, rip, bed, gay, tweet, tattoo and more! [Gg help image]

  • ⚙ UTILITY ** enable, disable, settings, vote, invite. [Gg help utility]

  • Available without premium
  • 😌CHATBOT *chatbot enable, chatbot disable. [Gg help chatbot]

So what are you waiting for? Add this bot and start spicing up your server!

And we have got much much more!! Hope into the fun right now!