Norbert The Game Master is a discord bot that allows you to play board games such as TicTacToe, Battleships, Chess and much much more. We are constantly adding new and improving existing features to provide you with as much fun as we can!
Click above to see a TicTacToe game in progress!
Themes are a fun way to spice up games, changing the look of them completely!
Just do start the game as usual and add a theme argument:
n?battleships planes @friend
With lots of themes available and many more on the way, games can be different every time! Seasonal themes coming soon!
Click above to see an example of a theme in use!
Planned features:
Over the next few months we plan to implement features such as matchmaking across servers, this will only be possible once we surpass at least 500 servers as we would need people to be actively wanting to play to have a matchmaking queue working!
Internal server competitions, bookable times, these would have leaderboards and a moderator from our team, cost would be quoted on size of competition and would be great fun for a large server wanting to ‘reward’ their active members! (adding a little game instead of plain giveaways!)
And many more, the ones specified are the main large features we plan to add in the near future!
We will be releasing a premium mode for the bot which will allocate more games (more can be run on the same server!), more and cooler themes and hopefully internal competitions for larger servers!
Note* Premium will not cost lots of money, it is purely a way for people to support the creators and to help us keep Norbert alive (pay for hosting) and to help improve him!