Tip: Why did RDL pop up? Just to beat Top.gg out!
Cacho#6820 Avatar


A Discord Music Bot With Slash Commands, that plays high quality music from YouTube, 24/7 for free!

 Prefix /

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by _matutee#0

 In 33 Servers

 Votes 7

 Support ServerJoin

I'm Cacho! A simple Discord music bot, that provides you high quality music for free!

To use my commands you will have to use slash commands!

You can get started by using /help. This will list all the available commands.


  • High Quality.
  • No lag.
  • 24/7 in VC.
  • Clean Embeds.
  • 24/7 Online.
  • Easy to use.


  • help - Shows a list of commands you can use.
  • ping - Shows the bot's latency.
  • nowplaying - Displays info about the currently playing song.
  • join - Make the bot join your current voice channel.
  • leave - Make the bot leave the current voice channel and clear the queue.
  • pause - Pause the player.
  • resume - Unpause the player.
  • shuffle - Toggle shuffle mode for the current queue.
  • skip - Skip the current song.
  • skipto - Skip to a certain track number.
  • queue - Display a list of the current songs in the queue.
  • queue page <#> - Page number of the queue.
  • play song - Play music from YouTube URL.
  • play search - Search for a track based on provided keywords.
  • play playlist - Load a playlist from YouTube URL.
  • repeat track|queue|off - Toggle between repeat modes.