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Musicat#4125 Avatar


Plays music, streams 384Kbps raw opus audio straight into your voice channels, and most importantly, she meows!

 Prefix /

 Status online

 Library DPP

 Made by shasharina#0

 In 47 Servers

 Votes 0


Key features:

  • Music
  • Plays music
  • More music

Well nothing much to say, she certainly plays music! You can set playback loop mode, search song to play, manage your queue, save queue as playlist to play again later, there's even youtube-like autoplay feature for you who just want to listen to some random music. Also the therapeutic bubble-wrap command!

Musicat is fully slash-command and still in development stage, please just tell me (Shasha#3676) if you have any question or opinion about Musicat! Any suggestion are very welcomed!