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Anti nuke, Anti raid, Anti spam, custom verification, advanced moderation, advanced utility, and a dashboard at your service!

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 Made by fnaki#0, daddypanda#0, katemoon2266#0

 In 673000 Servers

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Stop nukers, raiders, and spammers efficiently. Make use of advanced yet easy moderation and utility tools.

Wick is a Discord security, moderation, and utility bot made to help server owners protect themselves against raiders, spammers, rogue admins, wild webhooks and much more.


  • Stop Nukers
  • Wick will always keep an eye on your staff members including bots. It will quarantine any staff member going rogue and so, it detects anything abnormal when it comes to:
  • Mass Bans + Kicks
  • Mass Role Deletions + Creations
  • Mass Channel Deletions + Creations
  • Mass Webhook Deletions + Creations
  • Mass Emoji Deletions + Creations
  • Wick will keep an eye on Quarantined members. No one can help a malicious person out unless you allow that.
  • Wick will always keep an eye on your main roles like @everyone, anyone trying to give these roles dangerous permissions is instantly dealt with and changes are reverted.
  • Wick will always watch your channel's permission overrides.
  • Stop Raiders
  • Join Gate: Wick has a set of instant filters you can use for new members joining yourself.
  • Target new members that have new Discord accounts.
  • Target new members that do not have a profile picture.
  • Target new members that Wick finds suspicious.
  • Target new members that have invite links in their usernames.
  • Target bots added by unauthorized staff members.
  • Target bots added that are not yet verified by Discord.
  • Verification: You can force new members (or only sus) to first answer a captcha before accessing your server
  • Join Raid: Detect bot raids instantly and eliminate them.
  • Auto Mod
  • Wick has a set of filters that combat spam in your server. With algorithms used, you can finally get rid of the spam by changing and tweaking useful custom settings to your liking. You can make Wick target:
  • Normal Messages Spam
  • Repeated Messages Spam
  • Mentions Spam
  • @User mentions
  • @Role mentions
  • @everyone mentions
  • Large text/Wall of text Messages
  • Emojis Spam
  • New Lines Spam
  • Attachments Spam
  • Embeds
  • Images
  • Files
  • Links
  • Stickers
  • NSFW Links
  • We use our own custom scanning system. It has been super accurate with months and months of experience.
  • Shortening links are also crawled until the source is found and matched against our system.
  • Discord Invite Links to other servers.
  • Malicious Links
  • IP Grabbers
  • Scam Websites
  • Screamers
  • Malware Websites
  • Panic Mode
  • If a lot of raid-alike accounts trigger Wick's auto-mod, Wick will go on a spree of hunting down raid accounts sending messages to your server.
  • Powerful Tools
  • Quarantine: Add anyone you like to Wick's special Quarantine, it's a place where quarantined members can't see any channels in your server and have absolutely no permissions. Anyone in Quarantine stays in Quarantine until someone in charge can take them out.
  • Advanced Moderation
  • Purge up to 1000 messages at once with different filters
  • Target messages sent by bots only
  • Target messages sent by members only
  • Target messages sent by a specific user
  • Target webhooks messages
  • Target messages sent after a certain message or before it
  • Target messages that contain a certain word/sentence
  • And more.
  • Regular Moderation
  • Ban, Hackban, Softban, Unban, Mute, Hackmute, Unmute, Kick, Warn, and more.
  • You can target one member or multiple at once.
  • Durations are supported.
  • Slowmode
  • You can apply a slow-mode on a channel or multiple with a duration of your choice.
  • Mod Logs
  • All moderation actions made by your staff using Wick are logged in a channel with also a cases system.
  • Advanced Lockdown
  • Lock down a channel or ALL channels in less than a second, no matter how big your server is without any outages!
  • You can also hide all of these channels from everyone and show only one announcement channel that you can use to push updates to your members.
  • Start an auto-ban/kick lockdown where Wick starts banning or kicking new members joining
  • Lock your staff members' powers, useful during a nuke attempt or chaos.
  • Backups
  • Wick will take a full backup of your server every once in a while automatically. You can also use a command to instantly take a backup.
  • You can synchronize your server with one of your backups.
  • Wick's Anti nuke system will automatically use your latest backup to synchronize and revert whatever the nuke attempt has caused.
  • Advanced, detailed dashboard
  • Activity Logs
  • Setup Wick and change its settings all via the dashboard
  • Enable/Disable systems
  • Whitelist members, roles, channels, and more
  • Helpful tips under every setting
  • Server Sweep
  • On the dashboard, you can ask Wick to scan your server and report back what it thinks about the security of your server, it'll give you what you are doing well and what you are doing very wrong and will point you in the right direction to secure your server totally.
  • High Uptime
  • Wick has one of the best uptimes. We use efficient providers that ensure no downtime.

And a lot more features and commands you'll discover!

Wick has an advanced interactive Dashboard you can use! Click here to add Wick and directly access the dashboard!

Add Wick and directly enter the dashboard and make use of advanced interactive features

Wick is used by the largest servers on Discord! Your favorite big Discord servers use Wick because of how powerful it is. It is used heavily for moderation, the anti raid it offers, plus our unique anti-nuke that monitors your staff activity. Visit our website and check out some of the servers that use Wick!