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AnVolt is an Simple Music Discord Bot with many features inside of it! If You want to try AnVolt, feel free to invite it to your Discord Server :D

 Prefix ~

 Status online

 Library discord.py

 Made by stawa#0

 In 82 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin


AnVolt - Information

AnVolt is online 24/7, You can use it whenever you want! It has many features on it like Music, Roleplay GIF, Fun, etc. If you have any questions to ask, feel free to join our AnVolt Discord Server :D

  • Music Supports Youtube, Spotify, SoundCloud, etc.
  • Always Online (Restart Once a Day)
  • Roleplay GIFs
  • Information (Userinfo, Serverinfo, etc.)

AnVolt - Commands

AnVolt has many commands that will help you or makes you satisfied! Here's some list of commands, for more others commands, try to using ~help on AnVolt!

Number Administrator Commands Fun Commands Music Commands
1 Clean HowGay Play
2 Prefix Say SearchPlay
3 Mute Snipe Skip
4 UnMute Pat ForceSkip
5 SetWelcome Hug Volume
6 Coming Soon Slap Queue