-Why Pinger ?
A custom bot for developers, With easy commands to use uptime/delete/projects/uptime-glitch/uptime-repl/set-prefix/set-lang that commands helps bot developer to uptime there bots 24/7 without any lag.
-Bot Features:
1 private database
2 Unlocked access
3 Never drop links
4 Data is not affected by reset
5 Lifting 24 hours without cutting and has 1 fold
6 The lifting speed is very strong and it can be lifted over one million projects
7 supports Ripple It, Gilch, and all existing sites
8 guarantees privacy as you can delete the message's nickname from the chat and it will still be uploaded
9 You can see uploaded projects (bots and websites)
10 You can delete any project as you want and make it unmounted
11 You can upload in private to ensure complete privacy
12 You can change the language of the bot and prefixes easily
13 In the next update you will be able to know all the information about your project