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Team Up#3065 Avatar

Team Up

Rating ladders for any game. Create a leaderboard for any game and attract more members to your Discord gaming community

 Prefix /

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by ben2317#0

 In 2530 Servers

 Votes 0

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Key Features

  • Effortlessly create leaderboard ladders for any zero-sum game.
  • Automatically assign and update ratings for each recorded match.
  • Support various rating types, including 1v1, 2v2, 1s, 2s, overall rating, and more. Explore [additional rating types here](https://team-up-website-sveltekit.vercel.app/leaderboard/tutorials#rating-types).
  • Easily manage recording permissions, restricting capabilities to specific members or roles.
  • Quickly undo match recordings made in error.
  • Seamlessly share personalized leaderboard links.


Access our comprehensive [Leaderboard Tutorials](https://team-up-website-sveltekit.vercel.app/leaderboard/tutorials) to get started.

Companion Bot

Enhance your experience with Team Up's matchmaking bot, working seamlessly with the Leaderboard bot to provide rating-based matchmaking. [Learn More...](https://team-up-website-sveltekit.vercel.app/matchmaking)