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DBIT#2553 Avatar


Discord bot with some utility commands AND FREE MUSIC

 Prefix / (slash) or ! (customizable)

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by realdarek#0

 In 212 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

Exactly a few days ago we released our first version of DBIT, it's cool that you can share it with other people.

DBIT has many categories with commands: ➜ Admin(setprefix and setlanguage)

➜ Information(avatar, bot, guild, invite, uptime, user, ping)

➜ Moderation(in next update)

➜ Music(bassboost, loop, lyric, np, pause, play, queue, resume, search, seek, shuffle, skip, stop, volume) <- ALL IS FREE

➜ Social(reputation system)

➜ Utility(bigemoji, filter, github, help, paste, pokedex, proxies, translate, urban, weather)