Tip: Why did RDL pop up? Just to beat Top.gg out!
Covid Statistics#7165 Avatar

Covid Statistics

Covid Statistics Bot Tracks the COVID-19 Cases of the World & the Country which you mention.

 Prefix cov

 Status online

 Library Discord.js

 Made by innovator.sh#0

 In 520 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin


Covid Statistics Bot provides you with Information about COVID-19 and helps you in Tracking the COVID-19 Cases of a particular Country, Continent or Worldwide Cases.


Try cov help to explore all the amazing commands.

cov info - Returns Information about the Bot.

cov privacypolicy - Returns the Bot's Privacy Policy.

cov suggest - To suggest a command to the Development Team.

cov information - To get Information about COVID-19.

cov donate - Help WHO fight COVID-19 by executing this Command.

cov world - To track COVID-19 cases of the world.

cov country - To track COVID-19 cases of a Specific Country.

cov continent - To track COVID-19 cases of a Specific Continent.

cov prevention - To get to know How to Prevent COVID-19.

cov symptoms - To get to know all the common and main symptoms of COVID-19.

cov advice - Returns Advice for Public on COVID-19.

cov stages - To Get to know about 3 Stages of COVID-19.

cov fact - Returns random facts about COVID-19.


Have any Issues? Execute cov support and Join the Support Server!

Invite: https://discord.gg/vecGcm4zsC