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Solza#5376 Avatar


Solza was developed with convenience in mind, it is a very user-friendly Discord bot

 Prefix s!

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by jisll#0

 In 89 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin

Solza was developed with convenience in mind, it is a very user friendly Discord bot with functionality including Music. Solza was programmed with much feeling and time in the programming language Javascript. Solza has plenty of commands, such as moderation fun and much more! The Prefix for Solza is : s! The Prefix is customizable and can only be executed by administrators.

Solza Commands

Info Commands

help shows the Command List / s!help
privacy shows the Privacy Policy / s!privacy
setprefix change the Server Prefix / s!setprefix [prefix]
BETA Solza / s!beta

Anti Raid Commands

antilinkon / s!antilinkon makes the Anti Link on
antilinkoff / s!antilinkoff makes the Anti Link off
antipingon / s!antipingon makes the Anti Ping on
antipingoff / s!antipingoff makes the Anti Ping off

Moderation Commands

server show Server Info / s!server
kick a user / s!kick [@user]
warn a user / s!warn [@user] [reason]
cwarn users warnings / s!cwarn [@user] [reason]
warnings see user warnings / s!warnings [@user]
ban a user / s!ban [@user] [reason]
user shows User Info / s!user [@user]
clear clears the chat / s!clear [amount]
channhelinfo shows the Channel Info / s!channelinfo [#channel]
roleinfo shows the Role Info / s!roleinfo [@role]
slowmode a Channel / s!slowmode [seconds]
lock a channel / s!lock
unlock a channel / s!unlock

Utility Commands

avatar shows user avatar / s!avatar [@user]
invite Invite/Server Info from Solza / s!invite
ping shows the ping / s!ping
stats shows the bot stats / s!stats
roles shows all roles / s!roles
emotes shows all emotes / s!emotes
invitebot / s!invitebot [link]
hexcode get color hex / s!hexcode [hexcode]
membercount server members / s!membercount
selfharm help / s!selfharm
feedback Solza / s!feedback [message]

Crypto Commands

bitcoin shows the price / s!bitcoin
ethereum shows the price / s!ethereum
cardano shows the price / s!cardano
dogecoin shows the price / s!dogecoin
dash shows the price / s!dash
litecoin shows the price / s!litecoin
monero shows the price / s!monero
neo shows the price / s!neo
nem shows the price / s!nem
iota shows the price / s!iota
crypto shows all prices / s!crypto

Roleplay Commands

bite a user / s!bite [@user]
clap a user / s!clap [@user]
cry a user / s!cry [@user]
kiss a user / s!kiss [@user]
hug a user / s!hug [@user]
smile a user / s!smile [@user]
lick a user / s!smile [@user]
highfive a user / s!highfive [@user]
slap a user / s!slap [@user]
shoot a user / s!shoot [@user]
laugh a user / s!laugh [@user]
punch a user / s!punch [@user]
shrug a user / s!shrug [@user]
shy shy a user / s!shy [@user]
facepalm facepalm a user / s!facepalm [@user]
pat pat a user / s!pat [@user]
run run a user / s!run [@user]
sad a user / s!sad [@user]
greet a user / s!greet [@user]
stare a user / s!stare [@user]
poke a user / s!poke [@user]
die a user / s!die [@user]
stomp a user / s!stomp [@user]
cuddle a user / s!cuddle [@user]

Fun Commands

meme / s!meme
howgay / s!howgay
peaceful / s!peaceful
8ball random response / s!8ball [message]
waifu / s!waifu
fancy styles your message / s!fancy random [message]
smug / s!smug
wasted a profile picture / s!wasted [@user]
cookie Bake someone a cookie / s!cookie [@user]
ship users / s!smug [@user] [@user]
rate someone <3 / s!rate [@user]
iq shows the user iq / s!iq [@user]
rl shows the user rocket league rank / s!rl [@user]
dajokes text / s!dadjoke
norris text / s!norris
cyantext your message / s!cyantext [message]
uwuify your message / s!uwuify [message]
mcach Minecraft Achievement / s!mcach [message]
math with Solza / s!math

Animals Commands

dog images / s!dog
cat images / s!cat
panda images / s!panda
red panda images / s!rpanda
birb images / s!birb
fox images / s!fox
koala images / s!koala