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Jemibou#1538 Avatar


A simple Discord Bot with a lot of functionnality (and his new settings system)

 Prefix . (editable)

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by flymeth#0

 In 13 Servers

 Votes 0

 Support ServerJoin


This, is Jemibou:

A discord bot that will help you to many, many things!

Some commands:

  • poll: Create a poll up to 9 choises
  • randomUser: Get a random user from your guild
  • translate: translate text from any languages, to any languages
  • roletoall: add/remove a specific role to every members of your guild
  • game: play some cool games with the bot
  • And more: ban, kick, clear, seePerms, ...

Jemibou has also a dashboard

Because yes, Jemibou is 100% customisable. Including:

  • prefix, joinMessage, joinAutoRoles, ...

You can get your guild's dashboard by using the dashboard command.

This is what your dashboard will looks like:

Your guild's dashboard

Jemibou's guild dashboard

Settings editors

Jemibou's guild settings

Bot's variables

Bot's variables on joinMessageDM

Find Jemibou

If you want to have more informations about this bot, you can redirect yourself to this websites:


I'm Flymeth: a french developper who loves coding using html, css, javascript and nodejs. I learnt nodejs recently and i wanted to create a big project to train me (i think i've success).

Jemibou is my best project because i using my 3 mains liking languages!

If you want to know more about me, you can access to my own website at this link: https://flymeth.net