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MiniBoy#7411 Avatar


Hi there! If you need help on any command just type ;help.

 Prefix ;

 Status online

 Library discord.py

 Made by byad12#0

 In 280 Servers

 Votes 0

MiniBoy is a bot created with the purpose of entertaining and being useful. Here are some commands:

-; help -; ban @user -; unban @user -; kick @user -; serverinfo -; userinfo @user or id -; botinfo -; ping

;Hello -; emojitext (message) -; randomnumber -; servercount -; purge (1-100) -; say -; points -; startgame -; getpoints -; bonus Currently more commands are being added.

And a lot of commands more! Just type ;help

Version: 3.2.0