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❋ Features ❋ • Multi languages • Music • 24/7 • Custom Playlist (global) • SlashCommand • Custom prefix • Filters • Easy to use • More

 Prefix -

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by santhosh0552#0

 In 27 Servers

 Votes 8

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❋ Music Commands ❋

  • 24/7 - 24/7 in voice channel
  • autoplay - Toggle music autoplay
  • clearqueue - Clear Queue
  • filters - Set EqualizerBand
  • grab - Grabs And Sends You The Song That Is Playing At The Moment
  • join - Join voice channel
  • leave - Leave voice channel
  • loop - Toggle music loop
  • nowplaying - Show now playing song
  • pause - Pause the currently playing music
  • play - Plays audio from YouTube or Soundcloud
  • queue - Show the music queue and now playing
  • remove - Remove song from the queue
  • resume - Resume currently playing music
  • search - search for a song from youtube
  • seek - Seek the currently playing song
  • shuffle - Shuffle queue
  • skip - Skip the currently playing song
  • skipto - Forward song
  • stop - Stops the music
  • volume - Change volume of currently playing music

❋ Infomation Commands ❋

  • help - list all commands
  • invite - To invite Alegra
  • node - Info about node
  • ping - To check bot latency
  • status - Total bot stats info

❋ Configuration Commands ❋

  • SetPrefix - To change server prefix

❋Playlist Commands ❋

  • create - Create your own playlist
  • delete - Delete a playlist
  • info - Info about your playlist
  • list - shows your playlists list
  • load - laod your playlist to the player
  • savecurrent - saves the current song in your playlist
  • savequeue - saves current queue to your playlist
  • removetrack - removes a song from your playlist

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