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Dogee boi#5674 Avatar

Dogee boi

The Doge Bot, it's a bot which does stuff. yeah some stuff.

 Prefix !

 Status online

 Library Discord.js

 Made by chiraglol#0

 In 79 Servers

 Votes 7

 Support ServerJoin

The Doge Bot is a bot made by Chirag.#0001 (Chirag.#0888), the main purpose of bot, is to make discord a fun place for everyone
What Does Doge do?

  • The Doge bot does some serious stuff while being funni like
  • It has mod commands used by discord mods (oh no, time to run)
  • It has fun commands so that u can enjoy and u can also put ur friends in jail
  • The default prefix is ! which can changed via !setprefix make sure that the prefix isn't a WORD
  • Do !help to get the list of commands!
  • Doge is getting new updates every day or two
  • So what are you waiting for? huh? go it add rn

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