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Chilling Music#2679 Avatar

Chilling Music

My Music is a free Discord music bot that delivers high-quality music to your Discord server. You can easily add the music bot to your Discord serv...

 Prefix #

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by service8560#0

 In 15 Servers

 Votes 2

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Chilling Music

Listen rich quality 24/7 music

Add me to your server


Chilling Music Music is a rich quality, easy-to-use music bot to spice up your discord server's music experience

Getting Started

The prefix of the bot is . You can get started by using #Help this will list all the commands avaialable for you to use. If you want to change the prefix of the bot you can do that by using #prefix set [newprefix]

Need support?

Need help? Join our discord server.


+ 24/7 music + Autoplay + Easy configuration + Audio filters + Soundcloud + YouTube and YouTube Music + Spotify + Queue upto 500 tracks + Unlimited use of audio filters + Remove duplicate tracks