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Albonia#2891 Avatar


A Discord Music Bot With 24/7 In VC, Stage Channels, Slash Commands, Spotify, 70+ Commands, DJ System And

 Prefix +

 Status online

 Library discord.js

 Made by 4manbot#0

 In 0 Servers

 Votes 0

● To get help on a specific command type +help !

● Soul Music Supports Stage Channels And Slash Commands!

● Soul Music Supports Spotify, Soundcloud And Youtube!

● To get the prefix of your server just mentions the bot!

⚙️ Settings addbotchat, adddj, prefix, removebotchat, removedj, reset, settings, 24/7, toggledjonlycmd, togglepruning, announce

💢 Custom Playlists pl-addcurrent, pl-addqueue, pl-create, pl-delete, pl-info, pl-list, pl-load, pl-playshuffle, pl-removedupes, pl-removetrack

🎷 Filters 8d, bassboost, chipmunk, clearfilter, darthvader, nightcore, pitch, rate, slowmo, speed, tremolo, vibrato, vibrate

🎶 Music autoplay, clearqueue, forceskip, grab, loop, loopqueue, loopsong, moveme, movetrack, nowplaying, pause, play, playtop, queue, remove, replay, resume, search, seek, shuffle, skipto, stop, volume, voteskip, movebot, forward, rewind, join

🔰 Info developer, djmode, help, invite, ping, stats, uptime, vote

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